Panta Ausgabe 3/1991
The Observations of Intraoral Build up of Electric Current in 3 Cancer Patients
S. J. Wong, D. A. H. Zhu

In dieser Arbeit werden Zusammenhänge zwischen Zahnherden und zahnärztlichen Werkstoffen mit Körperorganen dargestellt. Anhand von Zahn/Kieferbefunden und gemessenen elektrischen Potentialen bei Mamma- und Ösophagus-Ca-Patienten wird auf mögliche ätiologische Zusammenhänge hingewiesen.


In recent years, the relationship between dental focus and body organ disease has been observed by dentists.
Most of the intraoral problems may have been developed by the improper use of metallic restorations. Since we are discussing the interrelationship between the odontons and body organs, we should compare some of these dental problems with Traditional Cinese Acupuncture theories and application.

carzinoma of the mamma

The dental restoration
The presence of metallic restorations in the mouth in some patients may cause a phenomenon called Galvanism. Galvanic current is usually produced between dissimilar fillings in opposing or adjacent teeth. These fillings, in conjunction with saliva or bone fluids as electrolytes, create an electric cell similar to a micro battery. When the electrons are stimulated to flow in the metallic restorations, the force which moves these electrons produce electrochemical potentials. The intraoral build-up of electric potentials can be measured by a multitester in millivolts or microampere. When the measuring current is over 3 microamperes, a stress problem is observed.

The electromagnetic system of the body
According to Chinese Acupuncture the ancient Chinese people have recorded the energy flow throughout the body form the time of the Yellow Emperor in about 2074 B.C.. Since then, acupuncture had been an integral part of Oriental medicine. This medicine includes the fundamental principle that energy flows by the invisible channels (meridians) to the respective 361 acupuncture points. There are 12 meridians bearing the names of the organs which they primarily energize and 2 vessels on the midline of front and back of the body. They vary both in length and in the number of points.

The Chinese believe that the main cause of sickness is due to an imbalance of energy flow in the body. When some part of the body develops an oversupply of energy, another part of the body will have less energy. Once there is a blockage of energy flow, pain occurs. The remote points of certain meridians may be used in the treatment of certain organic problems. Since this theory was impossible to prove scientifically it was discarded by modern doctors as of no value. However, Dr. Reinhold Voll, a West German physician changed this concept, after defending his research in the German Supreme Court. For more than 30 years he investigated the electromagnetic energy of the body. If the organ or tissue system producing this electromagnetic energy was in a state of degeneration, then it will not produce sufficient energy. A simple way to understand acupuncture is to picture it at the body's exchange of electromagnetic energy with the environment. Everything in the universe gives off electromagnetic energy.

During his research, Dr. Voll found some meridians and acupuncture points based upon Western medical knowledge. For example, on the hand, there are organ degeneration meridian, circulation meridian, nerve degeneration meridian an the lymphatic system meridian, also, on the foot, he found the articular degeneration meridian, skin meridian, fatty degeneration meridian and fibrous degeneration meridian.
There are many dental reports regarding the disappearance of systemic disease problems following dental treatment or the extraction of a tooth. Drs. Voll and Kramer charted an electromagnetic relationship between each tooth and specific organs, muscles, endocrine system, vertebrae, joints and tonsils. A chronic stimulation to a particulat tooth can affect a related organ by the bioenergetic flow of energy.

Four cancer patients whose potential measurements in the oral cavity were recorded with the use of the potentiometer. The effected teeth were the upper first and second molars and the lower first and second bicuspids which coincided to the disease entity in these patients. The potential in those teeth with dental restorations ranged from 24 to - 246mV and the current ranged from 4 to - 59uA. According to Dr. Turk if the measurement is over 100mV treatment is recommended. According to Dr. Kramer if the intensity is over 3uA treatment is recommended. In his article concerning the measurement of oral currents, Dr. Kramer stated that the oral currents are not constant chronologically under stress and that various pointer instruments provide incorrect results about the intensity of currents in the oral cavity.
Therefore, he suggests the use of a new type of instrument called FfB-Oral-Energy-Meter which enables the operator to make positive statements on the pathologic efficiency of oral currents. Additional research is indicated in this field to determine the number of patients exhibiting this relationship. Such a research should be scheduled with a medical/dental team trained to record such information.

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