Textbook Traditional Healer

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Textbook Traditional Healer

Beitragvon Traditionel Healer Kenya » Di 12. Jan 2010, 03:54

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Naturheilkunde
D35037 Marburg Germany
Tel. 0049 6421 690074 ,or 63628 Nhk-ag@gmx.de www.naturmednet.de

Kibote- Erythrina abyssinica

Traditional Healer Ngelani

Education Planing

German Model

Traditional Healer School Ngelani ( “German Model” )
Aims to educate Traditional Healers in Kenya are to help more people to get better naturopathic, cheaper medical help and to educate young persons for a new profession, to traditional healing methods and scientific research in this field.

a. 1. Learning and searching and planting -traditional healer methods of Kenya, 40% of the two years of education.
(Basis books: “Miti ni Mali“ A handbook of usefull East African medicinal plants (Powys), Traditional Medicine in Africa( Sindiga,Nyagotti,Kanunah) und Medicinal Plants of East Afrika (Kokwaro), Conservation Status and Use of Medicinal Plants by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Machakos District, Kenya ( Winfried Musila, Daniel Kisangau and Joyce Muema) maybe more
b. 1. Herbs: collecting, drying, storing,- drawing of the plants by hand
c. Translating texts about the traditional healing methods from English to Kamba
d. If we start education “Traditional Healer German Model” it would be necessary to teach the 20-30 students a lot of “school medicine”
1 about biology of the human body,
2 microbiology,
3 diseases
4 pharmacology,
5 rights and laws,
6 anamnesis,- similar as a nurse has to learn.
7 Aids – Malaria-, Tuberculosis. (30-50 % of the lessons)
(basis book for nurse- education) see texts from C-College side 2
e. The german homoepathy (also wellknown in England and India), nosodes, herbs, acupressure (aculife), psychological methods, Aids – Malaria- therapy, cancer therapy will take 10- 20 % of the time and should be done by videos from our internet TV: www.NaturheilTV.de, or if we find specialists from the region. (basis: book Chronic illness Weber/ Weber)
f. The german laws for traditional healers, we call them “Heilpraktiker” tell them what is allowed to do and what is not allowed, can be learned in some lessons. (German texts will be translated)
g. Computer, Internet, Video- conferences, DVD-films from Germany
h. Marketing methods to work as a traditional Healer
i. 40 lessons with 45 minutes each week, holidays same as secondary school.
j. Costs now estimated to 1800- 3000 KSh each month for one student, if we find enough sponsors or financial help for the starting, maybe some with additional sponsoring to reduce their costs.
k. Advisor board: Dr. med. Bernhard Weber, Marburg; many others are questioned. An own Handbook for Traditional Healing School will be given out.(200-300.)

Traditional Healer School Ngelani (Possible planings)
The government of Kenya and the minister of health have published that they want to have new laws and new standards to teach traditional healing methods.
The University of Nairobi and the National Museum in Nairobi started research in this field and published this results (1)
Conservation Status and Use of Medicinal Plants by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Machakos District, Kenya ( Winfried Musila, Daniel Kisangau and Joyce Muema)
It is estimated that that 1 Traditional Healer comes to 200 persons in Kenya (1 Medical Doctor to about 7000).
Same as in other countries in the world it is estimated that 150 500 Healers work in Kenya (31Mill.:200)
This herb specialists are very important for the whole nation.
The World Health Organisation estimates that worldwide 80% of the people only use Traditional Medicine.
In Germany 30 – 80 % of the population use sometimes the natural medicine methods.
We have about 30 000 Traditional healers (Healing Practioners – Heilpraktiker) and about 40000 Medical Doctors using medicinal plants and other traditional methods.
In Germany we have since 70 years a law how this Healing practioners are examinated by the government to get the right for practical work.
Mostly they visit one of the 120 schools for two years to learn similar theoretic about medicine than a nurse and the different traditional healing methods like medicinal plants, homeopathie, acupuncture, nosode- therapie etc .
We have in Germany more than 40 different medical journals for Medical doctors, Traditional healers and also some for patients about the more than 40 different methods of Traditional Healing that are used in Germany.
We have many big organizations for Traditional Healers which are organisating congresses and education.The Rural Development Center in Ngelani ( near Machakos ) is now working successfully 30 years with education of young people for practical working and develops new ways to this. I think a new class of 20- 30 students could learn in two years to become a well trained Tradition Healer, similar to the German way to do this.
In the next month I will try to find help and money for this idea in Germany. Maybe the own production of medical herbs for export to Germany can also help to finance this new idea.Time: The course will have 2 years of practical and theoretical education
The Traditional Healer Ngelani program is accredited by the German Naturopathic Clinic Marburg and….Applicants should have finished secondary school or primary and practical education ( RDC Ngelani )The Traditonal Healer program requires …. Monthly costs …. Sponsors.
Traditional Healer School Textbook Chapters

a 1. Learning and searching and planting -traditional healer methods of Kenya, 40% of the two years of education.
(Basis books: “Miti ni Mali“ A handbook of usefull East African medicinal plants (Powys),
Traditional Medicine in Africa( Sindiga,Nyagotti,Kanunah) und
Medicinal Plants of East Afrika (Kokwaro),
A 2 Conservation Status and Use of Medicinal Plants by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Machakos District, Kenya ( Winfried Musila, Daniel Kisangau and Joyce Muema) maybe more
a 3 Naturopathic Health Care I , II, III
a 4 Naturopathic Health Care I , II, III
a 5 Advanced Naturopathic Health Care Modalities
a.6. Naturopathic Manipulation
a 7 Health and Wellness Promotion
a 8 Naturopathic First Aid
a 9 Modalities for Natural Health Care
a10 Nutrition will help healing, basics of orthomolecular medicine
a10b. Advanced Nutrition
a11 Nutritional Therapeutics
a12 Naturopathic History, Philosophy, and Ethics

ap1 Clinical Field Observation Year one
ap2 Clinical Field Observation Year 2

b 1. Herbs: collecting, drying, storing,- drawing of the plants by hand
b 1 Herbology I
b 2 Herbology II
b 3 Medicinal plants growing in Africa used in Germany
b 4 Allachy project: Building capacity for community-based conservation of medicinal plants in Kenya
c Translating texts about the traditional healing methods from English to Kamba

d If we start education “Traditional Healer German Model” it would be necessary to teach the 20-30 students a lot of “school medicine”, conventional medicine (30-50 % of the lessons)
(basis book for nurse- education) see texts from C-College side 2
d1 about biology of the human body,
d1a Medical language, Medical Terminology, most common words
d1b Anatomy and Physiology of human body
d2 microbiology
d2 microbiology bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites; Nosodes, vaccination
3 diseases
d3a Different Health problems, Addictions and Disorders
d3b Diseases of the Elderly
d3c Psychological Illness
d3d Physical Assessment and Diagnosis, health history anamnesis,-
d3e Pathology and Disease States
4 pharmacology
d4 Pharmacology – knowledge about “schoolmedicine”
d5 rights and laws,
d7 Aids – Malaria-, Tuberculosis.
d 8 First Aid
e The german homoepathy (also wellknown in England and India), nosodes, herbs, acupressure (aculife), psychological methods, Aids – Malaria- therapy, cancer therapy will take 10- 20 % of the time and should be done by videos from our www.NaturheilTV.de, or if we find specialists from the region. (basis: book Chronic illness Weber/ Weber)
e 2 Naturopathic and Homeopathic History, Philosophy, and Ethics
e 3 Naturopathic Manipulation, Foot- reflex massage, Acupressure

f The German laws for traditional healers, we call them “Heilpraktiker” tell them what is allowed to do and what is not allowed, can be learned in some lessons. (German texts will be translated)

g Computer, Internet, Video- conferences, DVD-films from Germany
h Marketing methods to work as a traditional Healer
h1 The Traditional Healers Role and Practice Issues
h2 Starting a Holistic Health Practice

i.40 lessons with 45 minutes each week, holidays same as secondary school.
j. Costs now estimated to 1800- 3000 KSh each month for one student, if we find enough sponsors or financial help for the starting, maybe some with additional sponsoring to reduce their costs.
k Advisor board: Dr. med. Bernhard Weber, Marburg; many others are questioned. This own Handbook for Traditional Healing School will be given out in 2008.(200-300 pages.)

Zuletzt als neu markiert von Anonymous am Di 12. Jan 2010, 03:54.
Traditionel Healer Kenya

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